Bronze membership
Welcome to our Bronze membership page! This is our most affordable option to keep yourself in the best of shape!
30 Bronze Membership
Every month
Valid until canceled
1x 30 minute session of your choice per month
5% off all extra sessions, classes and blood testing
Free regular health & wellbeing events
Cancel Anytime, No fees
45 Bronze Membership
Every month
A great start to looking after your body with the flexibility to pick the service you need!
Valid until canceled
1x 45 minute personal training/massage/1:1 pilates
5% off all extra sessions, classes and blood testing
Regular health events/education workshops
Cancel anytime, no fees
60 Bronze Membership
Every month
Valid until canceled
1x 60 minute session of your choice
5% off all extra sessions, classes and blood testing
Free regular health and wellbeing events
Cancel Anytime, No fees